Contact Information:

Core Medical Consulting

Box 391
Agoura, California 91376
Cellular: 818.807.2050
Phone: 818.991.7676
Fax: 818.889.0055




More than 118 million Americans suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia and chronic pain disorders. Many also suffer from harmful, often debilitating side effects of drugs used to treat these disorders. For example, millions of Americans have been put on popular new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s), such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Luvox, all of which cause serious side effects ranging from nausea, loss of appetite and headaches to anxiety, sexual dysfunction, seizures and even suicidal ideas, among others.

Now, there is a new alternative to harmful medications. Microcurrent electromedicine treats pain and stress-related disorders with tiny electrical currents similar to those found naturally in the body. And, unlike medications, electromedicine is not addictive, does not develop tolerance and has no serious or lasting side effects or contraindications.

Simply stated, the cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) application of electromedicine uses unique waveforms to reestablish the brain’s natural bioelectrical control systems. Currently, the Alpha-Stim is one of only two electromedicine devices used for CES. And, since the brain is electrical and controls every function of the body, the healing potential of electromedicine is tremendous.

Electromedicine and the Alpha-Stim are heavily researched. A physician’s survey showed that more than 90 percent of people using the Alpha-Stim for pain, anxiety or depression and 79 percent of people using it for insomnia report significant results.

Electromedicine is also highly cost-effective compared to on-going drug therapy and is often the quickest and most long-lasting solution to pain and stress related problems. Alpha-Stim’s simple, painless self-administerred treatments, which generally take only 20 minutes every other day, calm frenetic brain activity found in stressed, anxious or depressed people, leaving the body relaxed and the mind alert. The Alpha-Stim is available over-the-counter in Canada, Europe, Australia, South America, and Asia, and by prescription only in the U.S.

If you would like to learn more information about electromedicine or the Alpha-Stim, please call 

Core Medical Consulting

Box 391
Agoura, California 91376
Cellular: 818.807.2050
Phone: 818.991.7676
Fax: 818.889.0055


The Alpha-Stim 100 treats pain as well as anxiety, depression, insomnia and related disorders.

The Alpha-Stim SCS treats stress related distorders like anxiety, depression and insomnia.













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