




July 24, 1990

Michael J. Cerullo

Springfield, MO


Springfield, MO 65804

July 24, 1990

I am writing this  letter to inform you of my experiences with using the Alpha-Stim CS home unit, which was acquired in April 1990. I am currently Professor of Accounting at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, MO and have a PHD degree in accounting and am also a CPA.

The chief application of the Alpha-Stim CS TENS device was to achieve relaxation. I use the unit for 20 minutes every day to become deeply relaxed. At the end of the 20 minute session, the  temperature in my right hand has risen to about 96 degrees and my GSR device indicates less tension. I have discovered that sporadic, occasional utilization of the apparatus does not achieve the desired Alpha frame of mind. It must be used every day (in my case) to be maximally effective.) In addition to clipping the unit to my ear lobes, I bind the plastic electrodes to the base of my neck to diminish muscle and upper back tension. Incidentally, my wife uses  this latter modality for the same purpose-- relieving neck and upper back muscle tension. In this modality, after about twenty minutes, she has also achieved a total state of relaxation. She has had a problem with severe neck and upper back tension since she had her thyroid removed many years ago. (As a side note, using the earlobes does not relax her.)

The second major use of the Alpha-Stim CS portable unit is reduce acute lower back pain. For a number of years, while living in Laramie, Wyoming, I cut several cords of wood with a chainsaw and used a wedge to split the wood. This resulted in periodic lower back pain which has plagued me for about 10-12 years. My back is very sensitive and periodically, for almost no reason, I develop lower back pain which persists several days to one week. While playing baseball with two of my sons in May 1990, I again strained my back and had considerable pain two or  three days following the exercise. I immediately used the Alpha-Stim and within 20 minutes, 95+ percent of all pain was gone. I continued to use the unit for three or four days on my lower back and have been pain free ever since.  Aspirin, extra strength Tylenol, Doan's, Momentum and other OTC pain relievers are not effective in relieving my back pain.

Michael J. Cerullo

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